Tuesday 21 October 2014

Hong Kong Umbrella Movement

Hello! This is Xiao Pang again! Many of you have heard about the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. I uploaded a few photos of me and my friend, Totoro, carrying umbrellas! :3 Xiao Pang supports the Umbrella Movement!
If you want to learn how to fold the paper umbrellas, click this link:

 I DO NOT own this video! The video is owned by Cynthia Ip.
Xiao Pang is holding a brolly!
Sketchy Xiao Pang and Totoro!
Brolly Cap for Xiao Pang!

Oops! Dropped my umbrella!
Totoro photo bomb!
Brolly Party!
Look at Totoro's tiny brolly! XD
Keep it up, Hong Kong!
Floating Brolly!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Xiao Pang and the Blood Moon

     Hello! This is Xiao Pang here again! I apologise for not posting for so long! I have been very busy lately!
     Anyway, tonight, I saw a Blood Moon! This time is even a lunar tetrad! Which means four lunar eclipses in a row! I read on the Internet that the next two will be on 4th April, 2015 and the last one will be on 28th September, 2015. What we see today(8th October) is the second Blood Moon. The first was on 15th April, 2014. The Moon was beautiful and spectacular! What a rare sight! I wonder if another lunar tetrad will happen again in my life time? Hopefully the answer is 'yes', because it is such a rare and amazing sight.
     Well I hope to be able to write again soon, who knows? Maybe during the next Blood Moon I can write again! Anyway thanks for reading see you next time!
                                                                                                                                ~Xiao Pang
Look at its slight reddish colour!

Can you find the Blood Moon?(obviously you can lol)

Wow, looking at the moon is fascinating!