Monday 5 January 2015

Xiao Pang in Cameron Highlands Day 4 and 5 (18/12/14 and 19/12/14)

     Hello, this is Xiao Pang. For day 4, we had to wake up extra early to go to the Sunrise Spectacular Tour. Our guide was Satu and we boarded the van and we headed to somewhere over the rainbow. We went to somewhere high in the mountains  to see the sunrise! It was still so dark outside I wonder how our guide could even drive. Somewhere between our destination and our hotel, Copthorne, I think there was a tree partially blocking our way. I don't know exactly what Satu did, but he got out of the car and did something and somehow we continued driving up the path. When we reached our destination, which was at a vegetable garden. The whole place was still dark and it was freezing. We took a bunch of photos even though we could not see the sunrise yet. Then we went into the van to wait for the sun to rise. Satu also made drink for us, such as Milo and coffee. By the time we finished our drinks, the sun had already rose and the whole place was much brighter but was could not see the sun as it was so FOGGY. We were a little disappointed as we really wanted to see the sunrise. We still took a bunch of photos and then we headed back down. On the way back, we stopped by a tea plantation. We again took a gigantic amount of photos and continued heading back. We reached the hotel and crawled back into bed. We had another tour planned for the day. Which is the Agro Tour. After sleeping for a sometime, we went down to the hotel lobby again and we boarded the van again. Guess what? Our guide was Satu again! Anyway, first, we went to see the Watercress Farm. Satu explained a alot of stuff. Actually we could go inside the farm but for some reason we were not allowed to enter the farm today, I'm not sure why. Anyway, since we could not go in to the farm, we headed to Cactus Point. There were lots and lots and lots of cacti! There were flowers too, but mainly cactus. The cacti came in all sorts of colours and sizes and types. But Satu told us not to buy them as we could not take them back to Singapore. We bought ice cream and it was tasty. If we couldn't buy the cacti, then there wasn't much to do. So we soon left and went to a strawberry farm, where Satu explained to us the different types of strawberries and also a bunch of other stuff. Then, we went to pick a big bunch of big, juicy strawberries and also some strawberry products like jam. Next, we went to a Hydroponics farm. Again, Satu explained a lot, a lot of things like how hydroponics worked and stuff. There was a lot of lettuces and there were strawberries too. They also had strawberry food, like strawberry smoothies and et cetera. Next, we went to a chrysanthemum farm, there were all kinds of chrysanthemums from red to white to violet, Satu explained a lot of things to us, for example like how a chrysanthemum farm worked. Satu even demonstrated to us how to arrange the flowers in groups. He also gave us the flowers he used to demonstrate, how nice of him. :) By then, it was getting dark and Satu drove us to somewhere to have steamboat dinner. It was heavenly but it was also our last dinner in Cameron Highlands. Anyway, we were that drove to our hotel to rest for the night. As I lie in bed that night, I could help feeling sad that our trip was coming to an end. Somehow, I slept and woke up next morning. I brushed my teeth and had some breakfast. Then we had to pack our luggage and went downstairs to check-out and wait for the coach that will drive us back to Singapore. I felt sad at the thought of leaving Cameron Highlands behind me, over the past few days, Cameron Highlands had almost became like a home to me. I had been very happy there. :( But we had to leave, and we boarded the coach and headed back to Singapore. When I reached home, I went to rest for the night.
     Well, that's pretty much everything! Thank you, Cameron Highlands, for everything. I'll be back again! Remember to read me blog again soon! See you! :)
Sooooo foggy! >.<

This is the place where we were supposed to see the sunrise, but on that day we could only see vegetables and fog!

The fog is so thick it look kinda of white.

That's better!

Wow! I didn't know we were so high up!

Brrr, it was freezing!

Look at the different types of cacti!

I wonder how the cacti could be so colourful!

Vroom, Vroom!

The first stage of a strawberry is the flower stage.

Then the green part in the the middle, which is the strawberry, is getting bigger.

And then the petals start to wither.

Then, BAM! The strawberries becomes red, big and juicy.

The Hydroponic lettuce looks to healthy and delicious.

There are also different types of lettuce grown with the Hydroponics method.

Wow, the lettuce is red!

The radishes are for decoration but it looks delicious too!

What a gigantic strawberry!

Can you spot me in the photo?

The lovely chrysanthemum smells as good as it looks!