Thursday 26 June 2014

Introducing Nian Nian Pang (Sticky Pang)

Hello! This is Xiao Pang and welcome back again. Today I'm going to introduce Nian Nian Pang (Sticky Pang in English). Nian Nian Pang is the third oldest in the Pang family, younger than Xiao Pang and Da Tou Pang, but older than Da Pang and the rest of the Pangs. Nian Nian Pang is also the smallest in size in the Pang family, like I stated in the introduction of Da Tou Pang. Now, I will tell you why Nian Nian Pang is called sticky. First of all, he has magnets on his limbs. So, it can 'stick' onto almost anything magnetic, like refrigerators and stuff. Okay? So, after talking about names and sticking, let's talk about Nian Nian Pang's likes and dislikes. Well, he likes to 'stick' onto stuff and just stay there for a long time. His favourite colour is light blue. Hey, don't ask me why he likes blue, but he just does. You don't need reasons to like something. And his favourite food is cookies! Yum! Getting back to the point, Nian Nian Pang hates mud (All Pangs hate mud), because it makes their white fur dirty and muddy. Well I don't think I have anything else to say about Nian Nian Pang, but remember to tune in next time!
                                                                                                                       ~Xiao Pang
Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Nian Nian Pang, can I have some cookies, please?

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