Wednesday 26 November 2014

Xiao Pang At 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo

     Hello! This is Xiao Pang again! Today, I am going to write about the 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo in Johor Bahru City Square.
     I went there on 23 October 2014, I had reach the venue(I went there in a car with some friends. When I say venue, I mean the place where the car was.) at 8.00 a.m.! I had to wake up at 6.00 a.m., I was so tired I had to drag myself out of bed!
     It took 1 and a half hours for me to reach the venue, so I was late as I went out at 7.00 a.m.. We set of for Malaysia and thankfully there wasn't any delays or traffic jams. We reached Johor Bahru City Square and we had breakfast at Mcdonalds. Then we went to the Angry Birds Activity Park first. We had a wonderful time jumping on the trampolines and playing around. Sadly, there are no pictures for the Angry Birds Activity Park as I was too busy playing! :P
     After having a whale of a time at the Angry Birds Activity Park, we went to PappaRich to have lunch. The food was scrumptious and we then went to the Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo! There were many Doraemon figures with different expressions and different secret gadgets! There were 100 of them! I was amazed by how creative the creator of Doramon was, there were so many things the secret gadgets could do! I also bought some Doraemon souvenirs!
     I went home soon after that, and even though it was exhausting, I had a wonderful day that I shall never forget! I recommend the Angry Birds Activity Park(mostly for kids) and the Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo to everybody looking for some fun place to go in Johor Bahru. Well thats all for today and I hope you will read my blog again soon! Stay Tuned!
                                                                                                                               ~Xiao Pang 
Xiao Pang is shrinking! Help! dizzy

What an oversized propeller!

Look at all the gadgets behind me!

Xiao Pang at the entrance!

Going through time with Doraemon!

Resting on some GIANT metal rods!


Hello? Anybody there?

Let's fly!
Different Expressions to Doraemon!

Xiao Pang, I think its looking at you......

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